Our services were retained by Gestion DMJ to design the new premises of the Clinique Vétérinaire Val-des-Monts located on the first floor of 1886, route du Carrefour in Val-des-Monts.
Maximizing natural lighting and the functional efficiency of care procedures, the new veterinary hospital presents a layout where the path between the different functions is flexible to facilitate the animals’ movements. To this end, a secure area with no contact between the public and the treatment staff has been created in the care area. The broader design includes a reception area, a boutique, consultation rooms, a pharmacy, a surgery room, a radiology room, a kennel and a cattery. Outdoor areas have also been developed to allow animals housed at the hospital to be taken outside.
When selecting the interior finishes and designing the furniture for the veterinary clinic, we paid particular attention to the durability of the materials and their ease of maintenance.